Want more podcasts?  You can now become a supporter of the History of the Crusades Podcast at Patreon.  In return for a contribution of $1 per month, you get access to a free episode every fortnight (that's 2 episodes a month!) on history topics related to the crusades.  Current episodes deal with Joan of Arc and the Hundred Years War - it's quite a lengthy series with over 40 episodes in total.  If you contribute you will also gain access to the back catalogue which includes four episodes on the history of the Holy Lance and three episodes on Richard the Lionheart's capture and ransom following his return from the crusades.  To join - click on the patreon link on the right hand side of this page.  Your contribution will enable the History of the Crusades Podcast to continue to be offered free of charge well into the future, and hopefully may even provide an income for myself and my daughters.



As the despised crusader Simon de Montfort fell during the siege of Toulouse in 1218 in the Crusade against the Cathars, a cry went up amongst the long-suffering citizens of the city "Lo lop es mort!" (the wolf is dead).

You can now purchase your own t-shirt, hoodie, tote bag or sticker signifying this momentous event from Red Bubble.  The image features the quote in Occitan below the Cathar Cross (aka the Cross of Toulouse) together with a small podcast logo.

lo lop shirt white

Shop for Crusades Podcast merchandise now

* Merchandise for the Middle Eastern Crusades may be available if I ever come up with a design which neither promotes religious warfare, nor antagonises Christians or Muslims.  If you have a suggestion, drop me a line at crusadespod@gmail.com



I don't usually endorse products from other suppliers, but I've made an exception for this gorgeous map of the crusader states by Mapmaker Adomas Klimantas.  Highly detailed and designed in a vintage Victorian style, it has been given the tick of approval by one of the leading crusade academics - Professor Christopher Tyerman, author of God's War.

Worldwide shipping is available free of charge and listeners of the History of the Crusades podcast can score 15% off by using the coupon code CRUSADES.  You can order your copy here: https://www.etsy.com/shop/mapklimantas/?etsrc=sdt

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We have some transcripts available!  You might notice that next to some episodes on the Baltic Crusades, there is a link to a transcript.  Listener Mark Suters has kindly offered to transcribe episodes in his spare time, so transcripts will begin to show up for the later episodes.  Many thanks to Mark for donating this service.